Co-Pilot: Raise a Pilot Puppy


What is a Co-Pilot?

Co-Pilots are volunteer puppy raisers who care for our Pilot Puppies until they can start their advanced guide dog training…the puppies get to have real-life experiences, learn important household manners, and form positive habits.

Who Can Be a Co-Pilot?

Co-Pilots are superheroes in our eyes, and they are disguised as college students, retirees, empty nesters, nurses, and teachers, just to name a few. It takes a village to raise our Pilot Puppies, and we encourage people from all walks of life to join our amazing and inspiring puppy-raising community!

If you have a love of dogs and the desire to help make a life-changing impact on someone in need, then this is the opportunity for you!

What is the Time Commitment?

Our Pilot Puppies need Co-Pilots from the time they are around 2 months old until they are about 16-18 months old; spending these impressionable and formative months in a loving home environment is vital to their future success as a Pilot Dog.

If you aren't able to raise a puppy from start to finish, that's okay...we have short-term options available. As long as you can commit to following the Co-Pilot program, the timeframe is flexible!

Attention OSU students: You must be a member of the Ohio State Pilot Dogs Club before applying; please contact them here to get the ball rolling!

**Read inspiring stories here about how puppy raising has touched the lives of our Co-Pilots!**

Co-Pilot Assistance: You're Never Flying Solo!

We are committed to ensuring that you have a successful and rewarding Co-Pilot experience, and will provide you with all the tools that you need:

  • A leash, a collar, a vest, a starter toy, starter food, and flea/tick/heartworm preventatives
  • Free veterinary care
  • Free boarding if you need to go out of town and can't take your Pilot Puppy
  • Hands-on, comprehensive obedience training at our world-class training facility
  • Infinite amounts of puppy kisses and unconditional love

We'll be there for you with continuous feedback, support, and partnership every step of the way!

Need more information? Check out these FAQs!

If you have additional questions, send us a message or give us a call and we'll be happy to help!
1Who can raise a puppy?
If you love dogs, believe in our mission, and are committed to learning and following our protocols, you are a great candidate for being a Co-Pilot!
2What kind of training will I receive?
We provide in-person and remote training sessions, lectures, a training manual, and full, ongoing support.
3How does puppy obedience training work?
We require that all puppies have obedience training with Pilot Dogs. This training takes place in person at our campus or via Zoom for indivuials not located in Columbus or surrounding areas.
4Do I need to live in or near Columbus, Ohio to be a Co-Pilot?
We offer training classes via Zoom, so you can live almost anywhere and still be a Co-Pilot. You will need to travel to Columbus four times at your own expense – to pick up the puppy, to complete two evaluations, and to drop off the puppy after the Co-Piloting period is complete.
5Do I need a fenced-in yard or a single family house?
A single family house and/or a yard is not required as long as you have enough space to perform the required training and can maintain control of the puppy at all times, especially when outside.
6Can I be a Co-Pilot if I have children and/or other pets?
Yes. As long as your children/pets are good with dogs, then we’re good with that too! (We do ask that you have no more than two dogs currently living in the home.)
7How much time do I need to commit to being a Co-Pilot?
Puppies are in the Co-Pilot program for 14-16 months. Co-Pilots can choose to participate for the full length of time or have the option for a shorter term if available. There are times when we call the dog back before the full 14-16 months.
8What expenses will I have as a Co-Pilot?
You will be responsible for a bed, toys, a crate, and food. We offer a significant discount on our recommended brands when purchased through us, but if this food does not work for you, we have other recommendations as well. All medical expenses and other supplies are covered by Pilot Dogs.
9What if I need to go out of town and can’t take the puppy with me?
Pilot Dogs offers free boarding for all of our puppies. Please let us know when we can help!
10Can I check on the puppy I raised after they go back to Pilot Dogs?
Of course! You are welcome to check in on the dog’s progress and final outcome. If the puppy becomes a Pilot Dog, we give students the option to meet their dog’s Co-Pilot at graduation.
11What if the puppy ends up not being a Pilot Dog?
If a puppy is not suited to be a guide dog or other type of service dog, they will be available for adoption. Co-Pilots are typically the first to be notified and offered the chance to adopt. Please note that OSU students are not eligible to adopt, due to campus restrictions (but their families are welcome to apply).
  • The ability to give back in that way was indescribable. Nothing can compare. If it’s ever been something someone has thought of doing - go for it. I do not have one single regret from my experience, and if time in my personal life ever allows for me to puppy raise again, I will come SPRINTING back to Pilot Dogs at the earliest opportunity.
    Co-Pilot for Lila
  • Ruby
    My dedication to this program was very rewarding, and a wonderful way to give back to the community and give a visually impaired or blind client an opportunity for increased independence. It can be a life-changing experience!
    Co-Piloting since 1996
  • Rider
    A Pilot Dog handler told us that her dog is her only freedom. We love that! Imagine the little pup you raise could set someone free. A Pilot Dog can change a person’s life because their dog becomes their eyes. Dare you dream that you can make a difference? Yes you can! You can change a life, one cute puppy at a time.
    Julie and Phil
    Co-Pilots who have raised six golden retriever puppies